Official importer "Aclima" in Ukraine
Radore Hosting is a "green" internet service provider, founded in 2004 and currently located in Metrocity - Levent, Istanbul Turkey. With its unique technical infrastructure, cooled with DeLclima equipment, high uptime rate of 99.999% and high energy saving performance, Radore is the most preferred among new generation internet data centers.
The overall cooling capacity of 1.4 MW is provided by two air-cooled water chillers GLIDER FREE with screw compressors and HFC-134a refrigerant produced by RCGroup, a company of DeLclima group, in its Italian plant of Valle Salimbene - Pavia.
The building of Radore Data Center must be cooled all year long. For this reason GLIDER FREE units have been installed, since they can operate, for most part of the winter season, by using free cooling system. In this way, the electricity consumption is drastically reduced and it’s possible to satisfy the whole cooling load with compressors off and with fans groups only in operation.
Free cooling liquid chillers